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The Practise.

What is the Practise?

It is a framework for creating and sustaining a life by design.

The Practise founded on the idea that we are first and foremost multi-faceted Beings.

That our life purpose is reflected in how we spend our time, and who we spend it with.

Intertwined with that is how we approach every activity from a way of Being perspective.



“Life is difficult.

This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths.

It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it.

Once we truly know that life is difficult – once we truly understand and accept it – then life is no longer difficult.

Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”

― M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled.

What's Inside the Practise

We explore what a purposeful life looks like for you. 

Over time you get to clearly understand the different areas of your life and what specific actions enhance and evolve them. 

What comes next is an ever richer experience of what it means to create a life that works

A key focus of the Practise is creating a life rhythm (schedule) consistent with the life you are committed to living.

We acknowledge that everything is a practise, that life is an ebb and flow and that we are either in action or not in action.

To quote the Jedi Master Yoda “Do Or Do Not There Is No Try.”

Consistency & Embedding Pillar Practices, recurring Priorities leading to a Life Rhythm

Defining what we mean by pillar practices and priorities we do a deep dive into all areas of our lives from activities with friends and family to our professional roles, money management and the personal legacy that we are creating.

A literal dive into every facet of our lives.

The result is a rhythm to our day to day that expresses exactly what we are committed to. All of a sudden living with purpose seems simpler and clearer

Creating The Rhythm & Where Does It Go

With a clearer understanding of what we want to do and how  we want to spend our time we now focus on where to put that information, how to reference access and track it.

We become clear on how we spend our time, how to share it with others and how to be organised in a way that feels freeing.

This is liberating as so often structure can feel like a constraint.

Connection & Community

There is so much power in support and accountability

There is so much power in having someone in your corner to support you through the ebb and flow.

And everything is always a Practise.

There is no set and forget habit creation. There is simply commitment and consistency.

For all those reasons, as part of the program you have the opportunity to spend one on one time with a Practise (facilitator) coach on a regular basis. For those who choose it there is also the opportunity to be buddied up with a fellow practise participant. You get to support one another on the journey.

Being, Completion & Transition

We explore the idea of who we are being and how important who we are being is in the context of what we are doing.

We explore the cultivations model and internal foundations and the clarity that comes with committing to and practising a specific way of being.

the SPractise.

Creating a life that works